Every Champion has a coach. Every Professional has a coach. Anyone who wants to be better knows that they need a coach to help them out.
Now you can "Be in the Zone."
You can develop a clear, relaxed and focused vision each time you address your shot. Our powerful Golf Mastery Program will help empower your game to a new level. Whether you are a part-time duffer or competitive golfer, call today and discover how your new Hypnotic Coaching can help you "Be in the Zone" and gain the competitive edge you deserve.
Don Spencer is an avid golfer and your personal mental coach. Imagine yourself now ~ a beautiful crisp SoCal morning ~ you can smell the grass, the trees or the ocean breeze and you are calm, confident and your body is relaxed and muscles gently streteched.
You address the ball ~ you now enter the "golfing zone" and all is well, all is peaceful and you lift your head as it follows your ball ~ imagine ~
How it Works
Call Don.... he'll do an overview with you on the phone. He may or may not have you come to see him. He will however go with you for 9 holes and notice your game and talk with you. He will use his hypnotic skills to effectively give you the mental edge that puts you in the "golf zone" during the round. Together we will find your perfect swing, develop your perfect mindset and lock those attributes into your mind and body so you can enter the "golf zone" at will.
And of course you will have a fantastic time!
Cost: $350.00 minimum plus green fees 9 holes 4 hours total within a 30 mile perimeter of Temecula.
We do travel nationwide and worldwide and those expenses are addtional to be determined at time of booking.